Educators: Local Educators Workshop and The Gedalyah Engel Education Award

Workshop for Educators

Monday, April 12, 2021, 6:00PM - 8:00 PM
Via Zoom

Registration Now Available (see below)

GLHRC Educators Workshop

Spotlight on Contemporary Antisemitism

Presented by Echoes & Reflections


Antisemitism is not a relic of the past, but a hatred the world struggles with today. This program introduces educators to classroom material that address such topics as contemporary manifestations of antisemitism, Holocaust denial, and anti-Israel rhetoric with students.

This workshop will support both educators who have experience teaching the Holocaust and those who are just getting started.

PGP Points

Certificates for 3 PGP points will be available to participants to submit to their districts. District policies differ. Please ask your administrator if this workshop qualifies.


Participation is free of charge.

       Register Online Here

Or, email Anne Murphy-Kline at the Ackerman Center for Democratic Citizenship at Purdue University, (amurphyk at purdue dot edu). Please let Anne know your interest in receiving a PGP certificate.

Space is limited, so register early and please forward this information to interested educators.


The workshop is funded by the James F. Ackerman Center for Democratic Citizenship, College of Education, Purdue University.


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Gedalyah Engel Education Award 2019 Recipients

The Greater Lafayette Holocaust Remembrance Committee is proud to announce the recipients of the 2018 Gedalyah Engel Education Award:

Kalisa Mitchell (Oakland High School):
A Senior Trip to Remember Ms. Mitchell be taking her senior class on a trip to St. Louis, Memphis, and Nashville over Spring Break 2019. They will be going to the Holocaust Museum and Learning Center to remember the past and learn from it. They will also visit the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis to learn about the Movement and how it continues to live and change with new challenges.

Diane Fike (North Montgomery High School):
Hunt for Voices of the Past Ms. Fike will lead students on a field trip to CANDLES Holocaust Museum where students will hear survivor stores in the form of holographs and the live story of and interaction with Eva Kor, a Mengele twin survivor. Ms. Fike will prepare a Museum Quest for her students with the goal of humanizing the experience of the Holocaust for her students so they will be future spokespersons for those who perished during the Holocaust.

Grant Fisher (Jefferson High School):
Seeing is Believing Through Google Expeditions and a Lenovo Mirage Solo Headset with Chromecast, Mr. Fischer and other teachers at Jefferson High school will be able to experience destinations that defined the Holocaust and places that continue to play a significant role in Judaism and other cultures.

Edith Fisher (Benton Central Jr. High School):
8th Grade Field Trip to CANDLES Holocaust Museum Students in the 8th grade who cannot afford the class trip to Washington DC, which includes a visit to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum will instead have the opportunity to visit CANDLES Holocaust Museum in Terre Haute to meet and hear Eva Kor to gain a greater understanding of the horrors of genocide.

Rachel Swank (Attica High School):
Field Trip to CANDLES Holocaust Museum Ms. Swank?s World History classes will visit CANDLES as the culminating event in a WWII unit. Students will read the autobiography of Eva Kor, analyze the film Schindler?s List, and then, by visiting CANDLES and meeting Eva Kor, make a real connection between the material covered in class and their lives as individuals.


Gedalyah Engel Education Award 2020 Application Process

2021 Application Details will be available shortly

Educators interested in applying for an Engel Award should contact Sarah Powley, Co-Chair of the GLHRC (spowley at

Applications will be due January 31, 2020.

The Gedalyah Engel Education Award has been established by the GLHRC to support endeavors by local educators to educate and inspire their students to recognize discrimination, to stand up for minority groups and other vulnerable populations, and to speak out against manifestations of present-day hatred and prejudice.

The GLHRC will award annually a total of $2000 to educators who are actively teaching in schools in Indiana ASP District 4 (Benton, Warren, Fountain, Montgomery, Tippecanoe, White, Carroll, Cass, and Clinton counties) who submit successful proposals in one of the following categories:

  1. Teacher Learning (e.g., an online or on campus course in Jewish Studies or Holocaust education, a travel opportunity to learn about the Holocaust) Educators applying in this category must indicate how their learning will benefit students.
  2. Classroom Projects (e.g., a student-produced collection of oral histories)
  3. School-wide Projects (e.g., a school visit by an outside speaker or an interdisciplinary endeavor)
  4. Student Travel (e.g., a field trip to a Holocaust museum as part of a unit on the Holocaust or a culminating activity to a unit of study)
  5. Education Outreach (e.g., a service learning project)

Successful proposals will address issues related to genocide, discrimination, bullying, human rights, the Holocaust itself or “lessons to be learned from the Holocaust” with clearly outlined activities and specific student outcomes.

Education Award Application Details (PDF file)