Program at a Glance

    Sunday, March 26
          Open Ceremonies
          Candle of Remembrance - Candle of Hope

          "The Holocaust as Leitmotif of the 20th Century"
          Omer Bartov

          "Transcending Ethnicity: Peace Building
          through Leadership Training"
          Howard Wolpe

          "From Internment to Rescue to the America Dream"
          Doris Fogel


    Monday, March 27
          University Religious Leaders breakfast

          Never Again? Genocide Around the World
          Round Table Discussion

    Tuesday, March 28
          "40 Years After 'Nostra Aetate'"
          Tom Ryba,
          Rabbi Gary M. Bretton-Granatoor

    Wednesday, March 29
          Happy Hollow School, West Lafayette

          Video tape followed by discussion

    Thursday, March 30
          "Hotel Rwanda"
          Movie at the Hillel Foundation

    Saturday, April 1
          Scenes from "The Diary of Ann Frank"
          Lafayette Civic Theater Players

          Lafayette Klezmorim








Greater Lafayette Holocaust Remembrance Committee
2861 Linda Lane, West Lafayette, Indiana 47906


Past Conferences:   2001  •  2002  •  2003  •  2004  •  2005